Learn everything about our content with the historic and amazing rock band
We are pleased to announce an incredible opportunity for all the loyal Motörhead fans around the globe. You all will be able to play with iconic elements of this Rock n’ Roll band as Lemmy said.
Are you born to raise hell?
Listen up here, we’ll make it quite clear… We have cosmetics, we have a new pilot, and we have more surprises to come. First of all, this is a limited-time offer that initially will be until January 1st (2024).
Get ready to shoot your opponents in the back
Do you think that your opponents ride into the night? Into the west of every map? Maybe, we can’t be sure of that… but we can be sure of what you’ll find:
- A brand new weapon fuelled by hell’s fire! And the horns of Snaggletooth, your favorite War pig!
- Is that…? Yeah, that’s Lemmy’s hat! Get ready to headbang on the battlefield
- A “flag” for your vehicles, with a Motörhead pattern
- The Antenna with their logo in a flag, Isn’t It Amazing?
- A banner for your profile
So, you already know, if the rider is wearing black, know he’s gonna, gonna shoot you in the back!
Be ready to enjoy this collab, it doesn’t matter which 49% or 51% you are, this is the time to play and rock it
“Hey Lemmy! Tell me who to target!”
We’ll have a unique pilot for this collaboration, you’ll be able to play forever with Lemmy in Massive Warfare, and he’ll have unique abilities to help you succeed in every map and… every vehicle! Yes, Lemmy will be one pilot able to be the frontman for every vehicle in the game.
A lot of our players have asked pilots for specific vehicles, now they’ll meet one that will fit every masterpiece you’ll have in the garage.
Where can I play Massive Warfare?
If you come here to learn how to rock, we’ll tell you this:
Our game is the only action game fuelled with helicopters, hoverboards, and tanks that will help you raise the glory.
With different game styles, you’ll meet a game with more than 5 years of successful history. Available FOR FREE on Android and iOS.
Enjoy Massive warfare in our different community channels:
Get the best content at: https://massivewarfare.store/
Don’t miss any news at: https://massivewarfare.com/
As Lemmy said, you better run and start playing to earn these cosmetics!